Oil and Acrylic
Nephi’s Family Flees Into the Wilderness
Acrylic paint on canvas
In this painting, you will see a scene from 2 Nephi 5:1-9 in the Book of Mormon, depicting Nephi's family fleeing into the wilderness to escape Nephi's vengeful brothers. After their father Lehi passed away, Laman and Lemuel became angry with Nephi and sought to take away his life. The Lord warned Nephi of his brother's plan and told him to take his family and flee into the wilderness to escape.
In my opinion, some of the most underrepresented figures in the Book of Mormon are in Nephi’s own family. His wife, sisters, and possible daughters are hardly mentioned, and we never learn their names. It’s important to me that even though we don’t know their names, we still should remember how they sacrificed so much, and had such incredible faith to once again travel into the wilderness to obey God’s commandments. Because of this, I chose to showcase these members of Nephi’s family in my painting.
In this scene, you’ll see Nephi’s wife lead her children alongside Nephi’s sisters and their children. Because most of them are never mentioned in the Book of Mormon, I had to take artistic liberty to include all of these faithful children of God. My favorite detail I added to this piece was the white lamb walking alongside them. This represents Jesus Christ, and how he remained by their side as they faithfully fled into the wilderness. I added it to remind us that when we follow Him, He will always stand and walk beside us.
Grandpa Shelley with Mother and Brother
Acrylic paint on canvas
This painting was to celebrate my beloved Grandpa Shelley's birthday. Here I painted one of my favorite family photographs my grandmother gave me. The black and white photo depicted my infant Grandpa in a highchair standing alongside his twin brother held by my great grandmother. I wanted to make this family photo come to life, so I decided to paint it using color. Although my Grandpa is no longer with us, I hoped to showcase his bright light and happy personality through this piece of artwork. I love and miss you Grandpa.
Summer Sunset
Acrylic paint and modeling paste on canvas
Inspired by the sunsets I saw each summer growing up while walking along the boardwalk in San Diego, California.
Acrylic paint on canvas
This monochromatic piece features a kraken attacking a ship. The limited use of color in this painting really draw you into the story. I love this piece because it allows the viewer to create their own storyline for the characters in this painting.
Tell-Tale Heart
Acrylic paint on canvas
Inspired by the short story "The Tell-Tale Heart" written by Edgar Allan Poe. The story follows an unnamed narrator who insists on their sanity while describing the obsessive hatred for an old man's vulture-like eye. Driven by madness, he stalks and murders the man, hiding the body beneath the floorboards. The narrator begins to be haunted by his guilt as the incessant and intensifying sound of the dead man's heartbeat drives him to confess to his crime.
In this painting, you can see the stalking narrator in the doorway, with a beam of light illuminating the old man's 'evil' vulture-like eye. If you look closely, an anatomical heart is hidden within the folds of the sheets, symbolizing the narrator's guilt and conscience.
Mom's Garden
Acrylic paint on canvas
This piece was painted through a beautiful cherry tree outside my Mom's garden shed. I was inspired to create this after seeing the beautiful reflections of the sunset bouncing off the hundreds of cherries that freckled my Mom's tree. These warm reflections contrasted beautifully with the cool blue shadows being casted on the shed wall, and I felt it was too beautiful of a scene to not try to capture it with paint.
Painted Altoids Tins
Acrylic paint on metal
These empty Altoid tins were painted and reused to hold my charcoal and pastels as I traveled to and from class.