About the Artist

Meet Bailey Freeman

Hi! My name is Bailey Freeman, and I am a college student studying Illustration at Brigham Young University.  Besides creating art, I love to ski, surf, play lacrosse, golf, and pretty much any activity that allows me to be competitive! However, art truly is my passion, and I spend most of my time finding ways to express my creativity. Alongside my love for painting, drawing, and digital artwork, another art medium I recently expanded to  is stained glass. In 2022, I worked as a stained glass artisan at Holdman Studios where I helped create and build stained glass windows for temples all around the world including the Feather River Temple in California and Saratoga Springs and Orem Temples in Utah! 

I am the second oldest of 5 kids, and have the most loving and supporting parents I could ever ask for. I'm an aunt to a beautiful baby niece and nephew, and love spending time with them and the rest of my big family. I also absolutely love my family's 5 dogs (especially my adorable goldendoodle puppy named Ellie).

From 2019 to Fall of 2020, I served as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Virginia Richmond mission. I dearly miss all the beautiful vegetation and the wonderful people I met during my short time there. My mission was the most amazing and fulfilling time of my life, but also brought one of the hardest trials I've ever had to go through after having to returning home early due to epileptic seizures. Despite the sudden premature ending of my mission, my time spent in Virginia changed my heart forever, and gave me some of the happiest memories and powerful spiritual experiences I've had in my life. Regardless of any difficulties that also came with my service, I would do it all again in a heartbeat.